Once upon a time God created a spot so perfect for growing sweet peaches that he named the state “The Peach State” and the county “Peach County.

Out of this very spot grew The Genuine Georgia Group:  A group of guys born and raised in the same dirt their great- great-grandfather's grew peaches in 130 years ago. Genuine Georgia's mission is pretty simple:  to spread the good word and have everyone in the world taste the sweetest peaches ever grown. In 2008, father-son duo, Bill and Will McGehee, formed The Genuine Georgia Group, LLC. GGG’s sole purpose was to help sell and market peaches for their family farm, Pearson Farm. At the time, Pearson Farm peaches were being brokered by a brokerage firm out of Charlotte, NC.  In the early days, Pearson’s peaches were being sold by both firms. After the 2010 season, Al and Lawton Pearson hired GGG to market 100% of their peaches. The determining factors were higher returns on peaches and the GGG’s ability to focus on preserving farms and not themselves.